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Home Vie politique Dossier Madagascar -May 20th, 2011: Sadc’s D-Day of lies against The Truth

Madagascar -May 20th, 2011: Sadc’s D-Day of lies against The Truth

Did Marc Ravalomanana resign? Did Andry Rajoelina make a “coup d 'état” ? Nowaday, the Leaders of State members of the Sadc have cards true in hand. The Joker being the prescription n° 2009-001 of March 17th, 2009, conferring full powers to a military Board of directors

Here is the English translation of the Ravalomanana’s act of resignation :

The President

PRESCRIPTION N ° 2009-001 OF MARCH 17TH, 2009
Conferring full powers to a military Board of directors

The President of Republic,

Noting that the circumstances which predominate demand the maintenance of the upper interest of the Nation (after having made slaughtered Malagasy people, on February 7th, 2009,he was dropped by the noncommissioned officers of the army);

Considering that the principle of the continuity of the State constitutes a general principle of Right having a constitutional value (he is aware that there will be vacancy of post office);

In view of Constitution, notably in its article 44 1st indent, according to which:

« - The President of Republic is the Chief of State.

In this title, he looks after the respect for Constitution. He is the guarantor of the indivisibility of the Republic. He is the guarantor, by his arbitration, of the regular functioning of authorities, national independence and territorial entirety. He looks after maintenance and after respect for national sovereignty so indoors as outside (he did not prevent it from sending for white mercenaries who supported the members of the Emmonat in a blind suppression at the beginning of March, 2009). He is the guarantor of national unit »:


First Article – Full powers are given to a military Board of directors aimed by the most ancient in the most well brought up rank any merged weapon. He is the President of this military Board (It was ancient minister of Foreign Affairs, rear admiral of squadron, Hyppolite Rarison Ramaroson).

Art. 2 – Composition and organization of this military Board of directors are left in the sovereign evaluation of his president (same evening of this March 17th, 2009, the members of this military Board of directors transferred their powers to the leader of Orange revolution, Andry Rajoelina, according to the Prescription N°2009-002 of March 17th, 2009).

Art. 3 – The military Board of directors exercises concurrently functions of the President of République and those of the Prime minister which are respectively devolved to them by Constitution. (In effect, it is therefore no a “coup d 'état” but a “SELF COUP D’ETAT”).

Art 4 – The military Board of directors has as mission of:

1. To organize the national beddings so as to discuss and work out the possible modifications of Constitution;

2. To prepare the review of the Electoral Code;

3. To prepare law on the political parties;

4. To organize elections which are obvious, for the delay not exceeding twenty four months.

The military Board of directors can take all other measures which he considers necessary with a view to instituting a stable public order, favouring a genuine national reconciliation allowing a true economic and social development.

la présente ordonnance entre immédiatement en vigueur dès qu’elle aura reçu une publication par émission radiodiffusée et télévisée ou par affichage, indépendamment de son insertion dans le Journal officiel. Elle sera exécutée comme loi de l’Etat.

Art. 5 - Owing to l’ emergency and in accordance with the dispositions of the article 4 of prescription n ° 62-041 of September 19th, 1962 relating to the general dispositions of internal right and private international law, the present prescription immediately comes into force as soon as it will have accepted a publication by broadcast and television program or by billing, independently of its insertion in the official Newspaper. It will be carried out as law of the State.

Antananarivo, March 17th, 2009


But what did Ravalomanana say in front of the State leaders of the Sadc, on May 30th, 2009?

Your Majesty King Mswati the Third,

Your Excellency, President Motlanthe,

Your Excellency, the Executive Secretary of SADC,

Your Excellencies,

Honorable Ministers,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to thank His Majesty King Mswati the Third (III) and President Motlanthe for convening this extraordinary SADC summit.

On different occasions, SADC has assessed the situation on the ground and made its report to both His Majesty and President Motlanthe.

The Ministerial mission, led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Swaziland, could also assess the situation, which was already very tense.

That is why this summit is very important for the people of Madagascar. Their future depends on its outcome.

Majesty; Excellencies, I never resigned. I was forced to hand power over, at gun point, on March the 17th.

My family and I were surrounded by soldiers threatening our lives. My son and his wife were forced to hide in the forest.

The only escape for us was out of the country.

Andry Rajoelina, the former Mayor of the Capital, Antananarivo, seized power through terrorism. He has incited unprecedented violence and destruction (…).

Andry Rajoelina therefore sent for these white mercenaries, at the beginning of March, 2009 ?

Only one question: How long the Catholic Church put to acknowledge that Galileo Galilei was right ? The earth is round and turns on itself.

Below, dialogue argument of Zafy Albert (with straw hat)…

Anosy Antananarivo, on May, 18th, 2009 : Call to the international Community: we claim the immediate arrest of Andry Rajoelina before May 20th, 2011”

After this demonstration, Zafy Albert said : « it was positive because the armed forces suppressed by throwing lacrymogene gas against the demonstrators... ».

Twenty millions of Malagasy people are awaiting with ancestor’s wisdom.

Translation : Jeannot Ramambazafy-May, 19th, 2011

Mis à jour ( Vendredi, 27 Mai 2011 16:02 )  

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