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Home Vie politique Dossier Madagascar 2014: What democratic development ?

Madagascar 2014: What democratic development ?

These three men above are responsibles of the come back to the dictatorship in Madagascar

Statement by the Press Secretary Announcing the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit

The White House is pleased to announce that the United States will host the first U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, DC on August 5 and 6, 2014. President Obama looks forward to welcoming leaders from across the African continent to the Nation’s Capital to further strengthen ties with one of the world’s most dynamic and fastest-growing regions.

The Summit will build on the progress made since the President’s trip to Africa last summer, advance the Administration’s focus on trade and investment in Africa, and highlight America’s commitment to Africa’s security, its democratic development, and its people.


What democratic development for Madagascar when two newspaper journalists were jailed and when a law on cyber-criminality kills freedom press and freedom expression for all the malagasy people ? Please read the following :

Madagascar Law 2014-006 on cyber-criminality, article 20

" The insult or the defamation committed to Constituent bodies, Courts, the Courts, the national Armed forces or of a State, Government services, members of government or the parliamentary Assembly, the public state employees, the agents or agents of the public authority, the citizens in charge of a service or a public department, temporary or permanent mandate , the helpers or witnesses because of their testimonies, by the ways (means) of speeches, shouts or threats uttered in the public places or the meetings, either by papers, printed matters, drawings, engravings, paints (paintings), emblems, images or quite different support (medium) of the paper, the word or the image sold or distributed, put on sale or exposed in the public places or meetings, or by cupboards or posters exposed, posters presentations with regard to the public (Editor's note: see lower, article 74 of the law 90-031 has exactly the same words in French), or by means of an IT or electronic support (medium), will be punished for a detention from two years to five years and for a fine from 2 millions to 100 millions Ar or one of these punishments only ".

In 1990, there was no Internet for public in Madagascar. So, this country, my country declines towards the dictatorship.

Jeannot Ramambazafy – August, 3rd 2014

Mis à jour ( Lundi, 04 Août 2014 09:55 )  

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