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Home Vie politique Dossier Madagascar Corruption. The Big Claudine Razaimamonjy again!

Madagascar Corruption. The Big Claudine Razaimamonjy again!

Original title: Claudine Razaimamonjy: men-of-straw to monopolize procurement contracts

Claudine Razaimamonjy benefits from a virtual monopoly on procurement contracts on all the island. When it is not herself or her company which puts forward, she uses a myriad of dummy company. The letter of the General Inspectorate of the State asking for the intervention of the State Secretariat of the Gendarmerie to investigate people challenging the authority of the agents verifiers, mentions two other people, besides Claudine Razaimamonjy. It is about Raharimanantsoa Saholiniaina and Randriantsara Linah Sylvie. The latter are men-of-straw of Claudine Razaimamonjy.

On December 5th, 2014, Randriantsara Linah Sylvie won a contract concerning the construction of 18 public primary schools (EPP) in two classrooms for regions Amoron'i Mania, Haute Matsiatra and Ihorombe for an amount of 1.896.453.399 Ariary (9.482.266.995 Fmg). It returns to 105.358.522 Ariary (526.792.611 Fmg) by EPP. It makes expensively and even very expensive for two classrooms. Randriantsara Linah Sylvie is not the only man of straw used by Claudine Razaimamonjy to obtain big procurement contracts. The same December 5th, 2014, the Malagasy company of General Construction (EMCG), which is another man-of-straw for Claudine Razaimamonjy gained two markets. The first one concerned the construction of eight public primary schools in two classrooms for regions Diana and Sava for an amount of 691.308.954 Ariary is 3.456.544.770 Fmg. The second concerned the construction of 14 public primary schools in two classrooms for regions Diana and Sava for the sum of 1.226.561.839 Ariary, that is 6.132.809.195 Fmg.

The same day, other persons and institutions, which are also men of straw of Claudine Razaimamonjy, obtained markets so consequent. Let us quote, among others, Matrace companies (629.151.051 Ariary either 3.145.755.255 Fmg), Sahaza (993.609.984 Ariary or 4.968.049.920 Fmg), Soanavela ( Ariary or 5.995.927.180 Fmg) and ASC (1.481.249.460 Ariary or 7.406.247.300 Fmg). All these markets were granted during one and the same day. Even if the National Commission of Markets does not meet every day, we can extrapolate the earnings perceived by Claudine Razaimamonjy in one year. The latter cannot give some explanation because she refuses to be heard by the General Inspection of the State (IGE).

We would have liked well knowing also the opinion of the General Inspectorate of the State on these decisions of the National Commission of Markets. To protect the integrity and the good governance, we can more count on the General Inspectorate of the State than on the Bianco. She alone can update why the State suffers from a chronic budgetary insufficiency while the HVM shows a financial health arrogance. The interest of our investigation is that she does not limit itself to Claudine Razaimamonjy and to her painting of men of straw. A scandal in mask often an other one. Indeed, all the markets above were the object of an authorization request of commitment sent by Minister of Education, Paul Rabary, to the President of the Republic, on behalf of the Prime Minister. Minister of Education addressed directly the Head of State while his immediate superior is the Prime Minister, who is the leader of the Administration.

All the abuses above mentioned would thus have been guaranteed by Minister of Education and approved by the Head of State. Those who support that Paul Rabary is not the accomplice declared by Claudine Razaimamonjy cannot deny that the Secretary was a link of the chain. We remember that Paul Rabary recently supported with strength that Madagascar needed 3.000 new classrooms a year. Is it the Big Island which needs 3.000 new classes or the Big Claudine?

Is it Paul Rabary who makes some zeal so that Claudine Razaimamonjy increases his turnover or is it her who helps this Secretary to reach its goals? Before his appointment at the post of Secretary, Paul Rabary was a redresser of wrongs. Sworn enemy of the corruption, he was inhabited by a thirst of structural reforms. Big mouth, he dazzled the media with his eloquence, his analyses and his will to restore the Republic. Today, he returned into rows the. It became the male version of Onitiana Realy. Tamed by the system, he learnt to despise the extreme poverty which surrounds us.

PN et Lola R – La Gazette de la Grande île

Translation : Jeannot Ramambazafy – 14 April 2016

Mis Ă  jour ( Jeudi, 14 Avril 2016 14:12 )  

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